What is power? Some may say that "power" is the capacity of ruling something or someone through merit, force, or even prestige. Some may even say that is something that "good" people are rewarded by their good actions. Ha! - quantum in innocentia - Power is a concept, and only a concept. An idea of getting what the individual wants, in the time it wants, without being reprended for their doings. Power can be used in a variety of ways, to attack, to defend, to blackmail, to convince, to force, to adapt, to give, to make the will of the "Self" become true. The relation of humanity with power is an interesting one, all humans, in this case, all individuals, love power, but power, only loves the strongest, the finest, the more intelligent and in the end, the more "egoist". Without egoism, without the will to have power to maintain your own survival and fortune, humanity wouldn't thrive, wouldn't have prospered, and become the dominant species in the planet. Men has an intrinsic relationship with power, one of love, and hate, of indifference, and worry, and that same relationship makes the individual want to constantly express his ego, something that with today's society is impossible to reach out. In conclusion, power loves the individual, the current slave of the state, and the individual, loved and still loves power, but with his will tied, he can't express itself. - Wake up egoists! The only way you'll see and understand, is by accepting your own - self! -.