In my recent publications about how I perceive the world, its institutions, people, history, etc..., I quoted several times the concept of an "Intellectual minority", and how I think they're the ones that could, possibly, end the "state-owned" age of our history, and how they too, can bring the "ego-owned" age to life. So, what is the "intellectual minority"?, what is their purpose? what's their features? Every single one of us know, or knew someone that could, potentially, be included in this concept, they are the ones that are enraged by the castration doctrines of their freedoms, they are the ones that are usually categorized as greddy, egoists, individualists, selfish, ambitious, happy, critical, too serious, too strong, too intelligent, for being alive with their weak, decadent, jealous counterparts. But my thoughts are not only of bringing their existence to the world, because if I only did that, I was condemning them to being destroyed by the "herd-majority" and even by the State. No, my idea is one of union, one of power, one that could bring this old, degenerate society down and build a new, enlightened age. The "Union of Egoists" is not a new idea, the concept was first created by Max Stirner in his book The Unique and Its Property in the early 19th century, but what I'm trying to do, is to encompass the whole of society and its structures in individual unity that would bring mutual benefits among the selfish, and with that, give real liberty for the own-self. The "intellectual minority" is then, the ones that have the atitude of creating a self-developed critical and intellectual mind, as well as the actions of physical-individual revolution against society, and then, use this new acquired power to construct the new "ego-owned" age.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
There are No Facts, Neither only Interpretations, but only Own's Self
How are you, now, putting your state-proclaimed "liberty" in danger? What is it you are hoping others will do? I have to point out that exists two cases of "liberty", the State-proclaimed, and the Self-proclaimed, both are ways that liberty found to express itself in the world through humanity, only that the state-proclaimed achieved absolute power in detriment of the other, and it gained power through concepts that we - humans - created in the millenia of our history; concepts like, religion, ethics, morals, good and evil, economy, society, etc. And with this concepts, the state and the individuals that governed society, established a societal order that secularized and indoctrinated the masses, that endured thousands and thousands of years. However, in the beginning of the 19th century, as technology and progress began a rapid pace of advance, the status quo began to ruin as the established order couldn't cope with the speed of change, and the fatal crisis emerged as the individual class that ruled it began to become secularized as the masses, and as the people were used to be governed by the dinstinguished minority, the sudden notice that their were ruled by non model persons made them want their individual self to become their own rulers, and with this, the self-proclamed liberty began its crawl to prominence. Meantime the state, now conscious of itself, began its war against individuality, and i would like to quote Max Stirner: "Own will and the State are powers in deadly hostility, between which no perpetual peace is possible". In history, we had only one experience at a time, the state liberty or the self liberty, but now, as the two exist and are conscious of one another, instability and decadence prevail. Every form of state - in the current societal order - tries to put itself over the individual self ownership, it tries to make you a slave, a slave of the state, therefore, a slave of society. What I'm doing that put my state-proclaimed liberty in danger is that I'm trying to aware what I call the "intelectual minority". People who have desire for self-freedom, individuals who are willing to destroy the order, to built a new, functional, egoist, society, but with this act, the state, through its power in the "herd majority", can very well exile, punish, and even rob my own self.
We do not Aspire to Communal Life, Neither to a Life Apart, but to Own Life
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
The Door is Open
Even if tempted to withdraw, the search for the ego can be one of great beauty and gratitude; the points to be placed will not be of a negative or positive tendency; the objective is to make the search for the truth - in one way or another -; make people discover their lights, their potentials, and so, after discovering the true virtue, they can give life to all others, being negative and positive. Feel yourself an artist, a beautiful and talented musician, play your songs with the strongest and most loving will, feel good about it. I do not deny that the path for the dawn is full of valleys and icy mountains, but that is what builds, it is the “I” itself. However, aren't we all “pride's Hercules” today?
A Message to the Blinded
Then, through these writings, he, the boy without purpose, seeks to make himself understand without too much melancholy, and that he does not fall into the strong currents of despair, the reason for all the senses, all the wills, all the powers, of how to practice them eternally, to make them see that egoism has always been labeled a thief, a murderer, and that in reality, everyone has judged it as they did with Christ in the cross. He also sees ways to make this change and promote a new type of society, a brand new way of seeing and trying to understand the purest and most true reality - Aperi oculos tuos - that everyone was blinded; but they prefer to continue like this, because they are already too used to the “Status Quo”. The forgotten virtue cries out to be rediscovered, and this time, to make everyone aware of their mistakes, innocent and deliberately bad mistakes, of a devastating essence - From Mesopotamiam Syriae ut nunc! Tenebrescens obscurabitur! -.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
A Little of Lucidity
A little more lucidity you beg? Why would I grant you this selfless request? Don't I look like I'm being rude right now? But I would like to remind everyone that the act, where I am here, is not a search for followers, but a simple method by which I can give birth to my own children - my thoughts - because we have not yet developed a more technological way to project our innermost reason, our "I", or in the case of ladies and gentlemen, that of "You". Do not look for a simple and short way of discernment here, the thoughts that I describe here are of the simplest and shortest if you consider that to me, everyone already has my knowledge. In this manuscript you will find a labyrinth of words and meanings, that with each step you take, it will seem that the walls are holding you more and more against unreason and non-logic. The doorman always with the diligence of a "Trajan" warned: – You entered this labyrinth for free and spontaneous search and curiosity for the stranger, for the different, but know that if you finally get to the center of it, don't despair, because the exit is not in a two-dimensional plane, look up and you will see that all that may have illuminated you.
Monday, September 14, 2020
The Dawn of an Egoist Mind
In a beautiful tuesday afternoon, in a school lost to the sea of public education, there was an “optimistic and virtuous” boy, who, observing his “peers” for a long time, could not fail to notice the vulgarity in something that made him feel like a native egyptian among the hellenistic greeks - a stranger - somewhat horrified, of the youthfulness to which he was also a part. He wondered if that, those daily routine scenes of society, that putrefying decay that inhabits human society as a whole, is really part of it, of its cosmetic and astute - the naked appearance -; if something was really wrong. In his view, no state would be saved from the future "Judgment Day", not a christian, but a secular one. And it seemed to him that none of the options of “having a victorious life”, one of successes where he would agregate all the good and improbable moments, could come to reality, for the simple fact that all that - for his innocent mind - did not made the simplest sense. In these moments of weakness and almost mental breakdown in search of a “verum” purpose, it was that a shine, an “intellectual Big Bang”, occurred in his mind. From an incessant search for purposes and one of that ancient empathy that everyone says they practice today, it was where he found the purest and most true reason for all his feelings, states of conscience, states of being, opinions, sins and virtues, fetishes, etc ..., this human flourishing, which moved, still moves, and will move everyone and the whole history of each individual being of that small grain of sand that is found in this sea of beaches that is the Universe. – The ego.