Then, through these writings, he, the boy without purpose, seeks to make himself understand without too much melancholy, and that he does not fall into the strong currents of despair, the reason for all the senses, all the wills, all the powers, of how to practice them eternally, to make them see that egoism has always been labeled a thief, a murderer, and that in reality, everyone has judged it as they did with Christ in the cross. He also sees ways to make this change and promote a new type of society, a brand new way of seeing and trying to understand the purest and most true reality - Aperi oculos tuos - that everyone was blinded; but they prefer to continue like this, because they are already too used to the “Status Quo”. The forgotten virtue cries out to be rediscovered, and this time, to make everyone aware of their mistakes, innocent and deliberately bad mistakes, of a devastating essence - From Mesopotamiam Syriae ut nunc! Tenebrescens obscurabitur! -.